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New company video for Advance Resources

New company video for Advance Resources (July 2015)

New company video for Advance Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6Ph2rJDtz0   人力資源係公司最重要嘅資產,所以各行各業都尋找最優秀嘅人才。但係,招聘過程往往相當繁複,以及花費時間,例如刊登廣告、篩選、面試、遴選等等。要成功請到一個合適嘅人選,可能,要花費成個月時間。   所以,要有效率招聘合適嘅人選,正正需要專業嘅人力資源公司協助。 超越人事顧問有限公司,係一間歷史悠久嘅專業人力資源顧問公司,自1994年成立以嚟,致力為金融財經、銀行、資訊科技、上市公司,以及跨國企業,提供一站式嘅招聘服務。   係人力資源管理上,我哋經驗相當豐富,除咗搜索行業專才之外,我哋仲為大型項目,提供招聘短期臨時工、兼職、外判等等嘅服務。   公司嘅管理層,由於係行內擔當領導角色,所以經常接受唔同傳媒機構嘅專訪,包括電視、報紙,以及雜誌等等。 聯絡我們: 852-2895-3999 電郵: search@arpcl.com 請立即登入我哋嘅Facebook專頁,追蹤最新消息啦!
Hong Kong's Most Valuable Companies Award 2015 from the Mediazone Group.

Advance Resources Personnel Consultants Ltd is proud to receive the “Hong Kong's Most Valuable Companies Award 2015 “ from the Mediazone Group

We are very honored to receive this prestigious award. Most importantly, I would like to express our appreciation to our clients for entrusting us with the opportunity to serve them. We will keep on enhancing our service level to clients and contribution to the community.   Based on Mediazone Publishing's “Hong Kong's Most Valuable Companies”, the HKMVC awards are held each year to salute the most accomplished people and companies in Hong Kong.  
Advance Resources got the Hong Kong's Most Valuable Companies Award 2015

Advance Resources got the Hong Kong's Most Valuable Companies Award 2015

Advance Resources got the Hong Kong's Most Valuable Companies Award 2015, we would like to share our happines to all of you.

超越人事顧問有限公司董事廖偉強先生接受亞洲電視訪問 (2015-02-21)

亞洲電視訪問超越人事顧問有限公司董事廖偉強先生有關香港入境處將推新計劃吸引港移民二代回港發展的意見。   訪問內容: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTMp2V0YlNE
之前接受了TVB 的訪問, 談到有關學歷通脹的問題

之前接受了TVB 的訪問, 談到有關學歷通脹的問題, 大家可以比一些意見給我 (2014年5月)

之前接受了TVB 的訪問, 談到有關學歷通脹的問題, 大家可以比一些意見給我, ALEX LIU (Advance Resources Personnel Consultants Ltd.   https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=794529320558086