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【面试攻略】 如何拒绝面试后的工作邀请

可能是显示的文字是「面试攻略 ADVANCE DVANCE RESOURCES 如何拒绝面试后的 工作邀请 READ MORE notetoself note to DO NOT QUIT #ADVANCE RESOURCES 」的卡通 可能是 1 人和显示的文字是「 1. 对方表示感激及答谢 Thank you so much for the offer for theXXX position. appreciate you taking the time to consider me and explaining the job duty. It was great to meet you and the manage. greatly appreciate this generous offer. Hr可能花费了几个小时閲读简歷, 浏览了您的社交媒 体资料, 及安排面试, 基于礼貌是应该要感谢招聘经 理的提议以及他的时间。 THANKYOU #ADVANCE RESOURCES 」的图像 可能是显示的文字是「 1. 2. 2. 给对方一个合理的理由 After careful consideration, I've decidec to accept a position at another company. While this position seems like a great opportunity, have decided to pursue another role that will offer me more opportunities to pursue my interests in (AREA/ INDUSTRY). 可提供简单及合理的原因, 好让HR可以有所交代! #ADVANCE RESOURCES 」的图像 




通常我地见工都会有几个面试,如果你已经有offer,而另一个公司又比Offer 比你,好多人都会选择唔理会, 但其实呢个做法係十分唔成熟同比人没交带嘅感觉,可以话係HR最憎嘅行为之一!其实如果唔要个offer,应该要以电邮形式回覆HR,始终每行嘅公司黎黎去去都个几间,同HR打好关係咁就可以日后好相见啦!


1. 向对方表示感激及答谢:Hr可能花费了几个小时阅读简歷,浏览了您的社交媒体资料,及安排面试,基于礼貌是应该要感谢招聘经理的提议以及他的时间。
Thank you so much for the offer for the Marketing Manager position. I so appreciate you taking the time to consider me and for answering so many of my questions about the company and role. It was great to meet you and the manage. I greatly appreciate this generous offer.


2. 给对方一个合理的理由 : 可提供简单及合理的原因, 好让HR可以有所交代!
After careful consideration, I’ve decided to accept a position at another company.

While this position seems like a great opportunity, I have decided to pursue another role that will offer me more opportunities to pursue my interests in marketing and social media.


3. 保持联系:因为行业行头都好细,同hr保持联系相信对将来会有好帮助!
It's been a pleasure getting to know you, and I hope that we cross paths in the future.
Again, thank you for your time and support, and I wish you all the best.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZAQptvlfrBWNqFO9C553w
更多资讯: https://www.advanceresources.com.hk/en/blog/main/2/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/advance_resources/

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