


Advance Resources Consulting Group (超越顧問集團) awarded the status of “Manpower Developer 人才企業" in ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme 2017-18

Manpower Developer 人力企業2017-18 1
Manpower Developer 人力企業2017-18 2

Advance Resources Consulting Group (超越顧問集團) is proud to be awarded the status of “Manpower Developer 人才企業" in ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme 2017-18.


We are honored to receive this prestigious award. We will keep on enhancing our manpower training and development strategies and practices of organization.


“ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme” is launched by Employees Retraining Board (ERB) in December 2009 to recognize organizations which demonstrate outstanding achievements in manpower training and development as Manpower Developers (MDs). Through the Scheme, the ERB aims to cultivate a common social value to attach great importance to manpower training and development.