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Advance Resource 超越顧問集團將於6月27日星期四上午11時至下午5時於深水埗西九龍中心1樓大堂參展「再.起步」課程及就業博覽。
本公司於2019年4月3日參加了傲齡動力 - 友待長者就業計劃之中高齡人士招聘會,招聘會將會在油麻地駿發花園地下I鋪舉行,請有興趣人士帶備學歷及工作證明登記。
香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 - 「傲齡動力 - 友待長者就業計劃」 香港耆康老人福利會承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,於2014年4月起在耆康會陳登匯駿天地推行香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 - 「傲齡動力 - 友待長者就業計劃」- www.e72.hk計劃目的針對香港人口老化對勞動力所帶來的挑戰,向政府、僱主、合作伙伴及中高齡人士倡議「唯才是用」靈活的退休制度及活躍晚年概念。透過「e72傲齡動力」資訊網的一站式人力資源配對網絡平台,向僱主推廣善用中高齡人士及其專業知識、技能與經驗傳承,為職場提供穩定的勞動力。透過「傲齡動力」人力資源中心,為中高齡人士提供分享交流平台、就業輔導、退休規劃、投入義工行列等服務,為社會釋放龐大的人力資源。服務對象50歲或以上,希望實踐理想而重投職場或參與義務工作人士僱主合作伙伴社會大眾
Advance Resources held the " Careers Guidance Seminar" at the Baptist Church Wing Lung Secondary School on January 26, 2019.
Our company held the " Careers Guidance Seminar" at the Baptist Church Wing Lung Secondary School on January 26, 2019. This two-hour talk covered future development trends and opportunities of career market. Parents gave positive feedbacks that they have received valuable information on future development directions for their next generation.
Advance Resources Consulting Group won “Social Capital Builder Logo Award”
Advance Resources Consulting Group is delighted to win the “Social Capital Builder Logo Award”. We understand that Social capital is essential for the economic prosperity and sustainable development of a society. It helps to build a caring society of mutual trust and solidarity, and enhance mutual support among individuals, families and organisations so that our community can grow from strengthen to strength.
The program is organized by the Labour and Welfare Bureau. It is aimed to facilitate cross-sectoral collaboration and participation in building social capital in Hong Kong. The Awards provide an opportunity for various sectors of the community to witness and share the achievements in building social capital in Hong Kong.